Lost you way on my Website? Can't find a review or book list? Don't worry , I have had many cases like this lmao and this lead me to making a special page whose only purpose is to guide a newbie through my Website. I will try my level best to help you all out but please if you have anything to ask me , then use the CONTACT section to reach me.
I have a huge amount of posts. Like HUGE, When you visit the homepage , you see them all together and arranged in the order of when they posted under the "blog posts" category as shown in IMAGE 1. Now what about when you want to see posts that are only of the latest cover reveals? or book lists? or excerpt reveals? For that we have "CATEGORY / TAGGED " posts. Posts can be given tags and then when clicked on a tag link , you will see posts of that tag only. These tag links are available in my MAIN MENU at the top of the page and also throughout many places on the home. Here is where they can be found :
Below the "Reveals" category we see headings like "cover reveals" and " new releases" and when clicked on them , you will visit a Tag Link for that category will then see posts from that category only Like shown in IMAGE 2.
URLs of Category posts are like - https://abstractbooks.wixsite.com/website/blog/categories/cover-reveal (we can see that the ending of the URL contains the name of the category the link takes us to)
A Category Link Page LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE HOMEPAGE as it has all the other elements on it but the place that has changed is the Blog Posts Box on the homepage. The box that previously contained all the posts will now have posts only of the selected category and that too in a different format all together Like shown in IMAGE 2 and IMAGE 1 , which will help you recognise it. I have tried to explain this better with screenshots below. Still if there is any doubt then don't forget to contact me!
How to find and access category/tagged posts?
I have sorted all my posts on the basis of TAGS. When you click on a tag link then you are taken to a page that looks similar to my homepage but the only difference is that in place of the regular posts , the filtered or posts of a particular tag will show.
Remember - Both pages look very similar to my Homepage so it is easy for someone to be mislead that they have been redirected to the same page again. That is however NOT TRUE. I have attached screenshots below for you all to understand it better.

When you visit the homepage
All the blog posts are shown like this on the homepage. My website basically has this particular section for showing the blog posts only and the "category" filtered posts are also shown at the EXACT SAME PLACE . Now the part where the confusion arrises is that ALL THE OTHER ELEMENTS OF THE PAGE ARE SAME AND JUST THE BLOG POSTS BOX GETS CHANGED. Remember , you just need to scroll to see the new filtered posts. The IMAGE 1 shows how posts appear on the homepage.
IMAGE 1. - Shows how Posts appear on the Homepage
Posts of a particular category are shown same as that of the "homepage blog posts" and only the format is different. Like in the blog posts box you will see then in rectangles with their tiles and descriptions as well but in a category feed posts , you will only see them with covers as shown in the image on the side. Now the best way to recognise that you are at a Category Post page is to see the URL , or simply scroll down and see the posts layout has changed to the one in the image shown.

IMAGE 2. - Shows how Posts appear for a particular category
SO THE KEY POINT OF THIS DISCUSSION IS THAT WHEN YOU CLICK ON THE TAG LINK OR A CATEGORY LINK OR JUST A SIMPLE LINK AND THINK THAT YOU HAVE BEEN REDIRECTED TO THE SAME HOMEPAGE AGAIN AND AGAIN , NO YOU HAVE BEEN NOT!! Just Scroll down to the "BLOG POSTS" section or box and you will see that the posts being displayed has changed and now the posts of the desired category are being shown there instead of them all together! Hope this helps :)
Now blog consists a lot of bookish stuff so I am going to break it all down into categories. The Post-Categories on my Blog are as follows :
1. Reviews​
I Review a lot of ARCs (Advance Review Copies) and sometimes also independent reads by me. There are times when I won't post some review on my blog because I don't want to crowd it here , so I suggest that if you are not able to search for a book here then it surely be on my GoodReads Read Shelf . Use the search bar there to find it.
That being said , MAJORITY of my reviews are here only. There are different cases for which a user might be searching for my reviews. I have explained them below.
Searching for some specific title? - Use the search bar on my website. I have noticed that it shows result previews when you type the book name partially and those results are the most accurate. Otherwise , the results that are shown on the search page are not very accurate as they consist of all the results (pages having one word of the book name , all books of that author , pages with the same tag etc. ) Basically its a mess so use the preview option I just told you about. Rest if you are not able to find any reviews , then CONTACT ME.
Searching for Reviews on the Basis of Genres? There might be cases when you might not remember the name of a book or you are simply here to view my reviews on some books of the specific genre , then I suggest that you use this page here - REVIEWS BY GENRES . There are various genre symbols and just click on the genre for whom you want to see my reviews filtered.
Searching for Reviews on the Basis of Tropes they have? There might be cases when you might not remember the name of a book or you are simply here to view my reviews on some books of the specific trope , then I suggest that you use this page here - REVIEWS BY TROPES. There are various trope symbols and just click on the trope for whom you want to see my reviews filtered.
Searching for Reviews on the basis of some character type in that book? There might be cases when you might not remember the name of a book or you are simply here to view my reviews on some books of a special type of character , then I suggest that you use this page here - REVIEWS BY CHARACTERS. There are various Characteristic symbols and just click on the characteristic type for whom you want to see my reviews filtered.
Searching for Books on the Basis of Rating I have given to them? I have sorted my reviews on the basis of the ratings for that book as well. The page you will need to visit to see those sorted reviews is - REVIEWS BY RATINGS .
Search Reviews on the Basis of the Series type of that book? Do you only want to read reviews for Standalone books , or maybe duets? This page is for that. I have sorted my reviews on the basis of series type for that book. To visit this page , click on the link - REVIEWS BY SERIES TYPE.
2. This & That
" This & That " posts are a special type of posts where I basically tell you about a pair of books with the condition , "if you like this , then you'll love this" . It's just a collection of pairs of similar books for people who are searching for books to read like their top reads. Go through the posts , who knows you might find some reads for yourself?
To see my posts for this category , simply click on this link - THIS & THAT POSTS . I have explained at the top of this page about tagged posts , so please read that as well.
3. Book Lists
I make a lot of Book Lists which are basically a collection of Books about some particular Genre or trope. I have 15-16 made already and to see then , click on the Link - BOOK LISTS. You will be taken to the tag for Book Lists and I have Explained at the top of this page about tagged posts , so please read that as well.
I also make Requested Book Lists and If you want to know more about that then scroll below to Point Number 14 .
4. Author Interviews
I absolutely love talking to my favourite people and never miss a chance to grab the for an interview! I have many Author Interviews on my website from authors like Rina Kent , Pepper Winters , Giana Darling and many more! To see them all , click on this link - AUTHOR INTERVIEWS . You will be taken to the tag for Author Interviews and I have Explained at the top of this page about tagged posts , so please read that as well.
5. Latest Top Reads
I have made special page for my Latest Top Reads. This page basically consists of the books that I have reviewed recently and Loved. Clicking on the cover of any book on this page will take you to my review post for that book. To visit the page , click here - LATEST TOP READS OF MINE.
6. Upcoming Releases
I absolutely Love to keep track of the upcoming books so that I can schedule my reading time accordingly! I hope many of you like to do the same and therefore I have a special page which is updated at the end of every month and it consists of the releases of the next month with their pre-order links and covers (if applicable) . To see that page , click here - UPCOMING RELEASES.
7. Unicorn Authors
Everyone has that group of authors that they are obsessed with and just have to read each and every release of theirs , no matter what genre. I call those authors "Unicorn Authors" of mine. I have a list of those authors and I am pretty crazy about them all. Interested in viewing my Unicorn Authors? Click on this Link - UNICORN AUTHORS.
8. Reading Challenges
I have seen that I lot of People Enjoy Bookish Challenges as those motivate them to read books every month. I don't participate in them myself , but I knew I had to host one for you guys! I hosted a book reading Challenge in 2021 and I have one for this year as well. To see my Reading Challenge for 2021. , click on the Link - READING CHALLENGE 2022 .
If you like it then don't hesitate to participate and Tag Me!
9. Blogging Tips & Guide
Many People have approached me to ask about tips on how to start a book blog So I knew I just had to create this Page for you all! If you would like to start a book Blog of yours (on Instagram , Facebook or Website) then this will be the perfect page for you! To check out my tips and guideline , click on the link - BLOGGING TIPS .
10. Top Reads (Yearly)
I make a compilation of my top reads for every year at the end of each year. Till last year I only made a list of my top reads but Now I have started this new concept of giving some funky Awards as well. To see my top reads of the year 2021 and the awards as well , click on the link here - TOP READS OF 2021.
11. Recommendations
These pages basically consist of a list of my fav reads for these genres. Till now I have only updated the covers for the lists and the links are not yet active but I hope to have these pages fully functional soon!
Here are the pages I have made till date , click on the names below to visit their respective pages -
12. Latest Cover Reveals
We have so many cover reveals happening every day and I love to share them because honestly , they are gorgeous. If you like to obsess over covers as much as me then you definitely need to keep track of my Cover Reveal posts! I have made another tag for them and to access that tag link , click here - LATEST COVER REVEALS.
I have Explained at the top of this page about tagged posts , so please read that as well.
13. Latest Releases
We often mess new releases so I love to keep track of them. If you need help then you might need to check out my new release posts which are basically based on the Latest Books Released for the Romance category. These posts are very selective and I only share about books that I am crazy about. To see the tag link for this category of posts , click on this link - LATEST NEW RELEASES.
I have Explained at the top of this page about tagged posts , so please read that as well.
14. Excerpt Reveals
Sometimes we need a glimpse of book we are about to buy. No one likes to waste their money and these excerpts often help people and entice many new ones too. I have a separate category for these posts and to access their tag link , click on the link here - LATEST EXCERPT REVEALS .
I have Explained at the top of this page about tagged posts , so please read that as well.
15. Book List Request
People often need a list of books about some special genre or trope they are craving. This is where my Book Lists request comes to work. I will try my level best to find books of he category you are searching for and send them compiled in a neat email to you. However I have. a set of rules for this and I suggest that you read them before you ask me for a book list. Interested? Here is the link to send me a request - BOOK LIST REQUEST.
16. Contact Me
Is there a need to contact me? Want me know something about a particular book or maybe recommend me some favourite read of yours? Please use this page to send me a message and I'll be sure to get back to you ! - CONTACT ME .
17. About Me
Want to know more about the blogger (aka me) ?? And read my interview with another blogger friend of mine? Don't worry , you'll find that all on this page . Click on the Link here to know more about me and my blog - ABOUT ME.
18. Review Policy
I have a set of rules for every author who wants to send me their book to read / review / promote. Please read my POLICY here.
Hey everyone! I have been asked a lot of Questions related to my blog so I thought I'll make a FAQ page to help you all out. Please make sure to go through these before asking me any general question related to blogging.
1. How to Contact You?
You can contact me using this page - CONTACT. The other ways to contact me will be through my Instagram or also my Facebook Page.
2. Is this your First Blog Website?
Nope , I had an older Blog - https://abstract-book.blogspot.com/ , This website will have all my reviews and Older posts ,I am working on transferring them all to my new one .
3. Can we Advertise on this Website.
As of now , No . I will making a few advertisement columns but those will be using google AdSense or some other general platform. I won't be allowing personal advertisements here .
4. Do you recommend books ?
Yes I make personal Book lists for people for FREE. You can request yours from here - BOOK LIST REQUEST , Just make sure to read the rules before requesting a book.
5. Can Authors approach to review their ARCs?
Yes they can but I have recently started a new job and have a very very heavy schedule so there is a very less chance that I'll accept it or respond. I will try but I can't make any promises. Authors can send me their Requests using this page - POLICY. Please make sure t read the rules and full policy before approaching me. with your book.
6. On Which Platform do you promote books?
I post promotional posts on my FACEBOOK PAGE , FACEBOOK ACCOUNT and INSTAGRAM. Some chosen cover reveals , excerpts and New Release posts can be found on my website as well using these tags - New Releases , Cover Reveals and Excerpts .
7. What are some of your Top Authors and Top Reads ?
I have made a separate page for some of my unique authors here - UNICORN AUTHORS , and My Latest top reads can be found on this page - LATEST TOP READS .
8. On which Platforms do you post reviews ?
I currently do not Review on Amazon , But I mostly post reviews on my Goodreads and sometimes BookBub as well .
9. Where can we know more about you?
You can know more about me using this page - ABOUT ME.