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REVIEW - Dark Queen

Title - Dark Queen
Author - Ker Dukey
Name of Series - Standalone
Series Type - Standalone
Genre - Dark Mafia Age Gap Romance
Release Date - 28th June 2021
Overall Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Heat Rating - 🔥🔥🔥🔥

He was my boss. Rich, ambitious, dominating. I was a waitress, struggling to pay the fees for ballet school. Poor, talented, desperate. He needed to marry to appease his dying father, to inherit the family empire. It wasn’t supposed to be real, or forever. Until he changed the rules. What Mafia king Luca Leto wants, he gets, and he’s crowned his queen. Me. I’m under his rule now. And his reign is cruel and toxic. They call him the dark king and to gain my freedom I’m going to have to become a dark queen.  #Standalone Mafia romance.

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My Review 💋

Star Rating : 4/5 Stars

POV : Dual

Cliffhanger : None

Hero : Luca

Heroine : Alyssa

Pace of the story : Moderate

Angst Rating : 4/10

Heat Rating : 5/10

Triggers Involved : Dark past

Plot Summary :

Alyssa has a darkness inside of her that she does not know what to do with. Leaving her hometown and it’s suffocating presence is the only thing she looks forward to. Joining her Dance academy is one of her dreams and the one thing that is keeping her grounded. That is until she has the displeasure of meeting one of the most obnoxious jerks ever, Luca Leto. A rich prick who thinks others are his servants and treats them so. But she is not someone who will ever bow to him and there is nothing he can do about it.

Luca is used to getting his own way. The spitfire who showed him sass is one of the limited people who amused him to no end. But now she is working for him and he knows that there is no way he can stay away from the one woman who owns his dreams and thighs. He will make her his no matter what happens .

Overall Opinion :

I loved this dark romance! It has this chilling darkness element right from the start that just grips you and does not let you go. I loved the characters and Luca especially. He was one hell of an anti hero .

The ending of this book was simply marvelous. I am someone who is amazing at guessing twists and turns but I definitely did not see that coming!! The plot twist took me by surprise and that rarely happens so I loved the ending a lot.

But there is one thing that I did not like in this book and that was the descriptive portion. There were a lot of questions not answered and that felt like a cliffhanger to be honest. Alyssa never told luca about her mother and other stuff too. Her past was never mentioned and neither was Luca's. Because of this their connection sort of seemed artificial to me and I did not like that. I kept on waiting for that confession to come but it never did.

Other than that I loved this book and I hope that we see more of these characters by this author! Definitely recommended to all the dark romance loving people out there!

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