Bella Di Corte has been writing romance for seven years, even longer if you count the stories in her head that were never written down, but she didn’t realize how much she enjoyed writing alphas until recently. Tough guys who walk the line between irredeemable and savable, and the strong women who force them to feel, inspire her to keep putting words to the page.
Her Next Book , "Ruler Of Hearts" Released on 16th Feb 2021.

Interview Q/A
Q1. Hi Bella! Could you please Tell us something about yourself including a fact about you that is hidden from public knowledge?
I’ve always wanted to go to Italy and ride a Vespa!
Q2. What made you get into the profession of writing?
I’ve always loved words and had a wild imagination. One day, the voices in my head just became too loud to ignore.
Q3. Have you always wanted to be a writer or did you have some other aspirations?
I had no clue what I wanted to be. Nothing I ever did felt right (apart from being a wife and mom), but as soon as I wrote the first chapter to my first book, I just knew. All roads led me to where I needed to be. And, fun fact, two people in my life told me that I was destined to be a writer—all of the pieces clicked into place when I recalled the memories.
Q4. Do you have any other pen name by which you write books?
Q5. “Machiavellian” is my favorite book by you! What gave you the idea to write this series?
I love this question, but it’s so hard for me to answer! The books I write find me, so the ideas come with them. They arrive in my head and then the words just flow. (And I love that you enjoyed Mac!)
Q6. What is the darkest book you've ever written or have in plans to write?
Hmm…I’m not sure if any my books are considered dark, even though I believe anything mafia is dark. But I consider the men in my books to be exceptions to the rules. I love growth (seeing and feeling it happen), and it’s love that leads the men in my stories to redemption. But if I’m comparing my books, my darkest is Mercenary. Corrado’s darkness is on the surface.
Q7. What was your latest release and can you please tell us a bit about it?
Ruler of Hearts! It’s the sixth book in the eight-part Fausti Family saga. The Fausti Family saga is what I love to call ‘lush’ reading. The books are long, detailed, and have so many evolving parts. It’s a saga you can get lost in—if you enjoy thick books!
Q8. Do you ever put yourself or the people you know into your books?
I’m sure there are little things (from me, from people I know) that help flesh out the people on the page (characters), but I don’t think it’s consciously done. I always give the people on the page the freedom to let me get to know them as I write.
Q9. Is there any particular time at which you write, or do you write whenever
the inspiration strikes?
It just depends on the book, as strange as that sounds. Sometimes I feel more creative in the morning and sometimes I feel more creative late at night. But even when I don’t feel too creative, I always write (even if it’s five words)—because the more I write, the more I fall deeper into the story.
Q10. What do you have in work right now and what book can we expect from
you next?
Right now, I’m working on Disavow (it releases November 2, 2021). Another mafia romance and I’m totally in love with it! After that, I have a full schedule of books to write (all mafia!) and edits on the last two Fausti Family books—so bittersweet!
Q11. Before we Wrap up, let us do a random question round:
o Your Most Cherished Possession? My family is everything to me, but
since you asked about a possession…family photos.
o Your favorite genres to read? I don’t really have a favorite genre. I’ll
read mostly anything, but I do enjoy travel romances more than most.
o The first nickname you ever had? I’ve had one or two, but Bella means
the most to me.
o The first dish that comes to your mind when you think about
“Delicious food”? Sicilian stuffed artichoke!
About the Author
Bella Di Corte has been writing romance for seven years, even longer if you count the stories in her head that were never written down, but she didn’t realize how much she enjoyed writing alphas until recently. Tough guys who walk the line between irredeemable and savable, and the strong women who force them to feel, inspire her to keep putting words to the page. Apart from writing, Bella loves to spend time with her husband, daughter, and family. She also loves to read, listen to music, cook meals that were passed down to her, and take photographs. She mostly takes pictures of her family (when they let her) and her three dogs. Bella grew up in New Orleans, a place she considers a creative playground. She loves to connect with readers, so don’t hesitate to email her at belladicorte@gmail.com if you’d like to reach out.