Brynn Ford writes dark and dirty romance for daring readers. She is a lover of the dark, twisted, and playful, and strives to bring the unmentionable aspects of passionate romance into her stories.
She is quite the idealist despite her fascination with the wicked and warped aspects of humanity. She’s a firm believer that her characters continue to live on outside the pages in the minds of her readers. Stories don’t just end because there aren’t any more pages to turn.
Her Latest Book "Jagged Line Paradise" got released on April 15th 2021

Interview Q/A
Q1. Hi Brynn! How are you? Could you please tell us a bit about yourself please?
Hey! My name is Brynn Ford and I write dark and dirty romance for daring readers. I work in higher education by day and write angsty, dark stories by night. I'm 34, have been married for almost ten years, and have two amazing sons. My background is in education, but I've always been a creator. I wrote fanfiction for years before deciding it was time to write and publish my own original content! If I'm not writing, you'll probably find me binge-watching a great show, coloring, or reading—sometimes you might find me doing all three at once (I'm a multi-tasker)!·
Q2. What made you get into the profession of writing? From the time I was young, I spent most of my free time writing, but I never really had an aspiration to be a writer until several years ago. Now it's all I can think about doing! I used to write a lot of "screenplays" when I was younger and create silly home videos with my friends. For a long time, I wanted to be a filmmaker and create dramatic, heart-wrenching movies. But I gave up on that before college to pursue a "safer" field and wound up in education. I started seriously writing novels six years ago following a series of losses. My best friend and her baby passed away and I had a miscarriage several weeks later. Needless to say, it was the worst time in my life. Those losses and that extreme grief gave me the push I needed to stop "playing it safe" in my career and try to make something from my stories, my passion, because tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Now I'm always writing like I'm running out of time (cue the "Hamilton" music)…because we're all running out of time. Once I started writing with the intent to publish—once I decided that I would dedicate my first book to my best friend—I couldn't stop, and I haven't stopped since. My grief, my pain, my fears, and anxieties…they all come out in my writing. It's like therapy for me.
Q3. Have you always wanted to be a writer or did you have some other aspirations? I still have a full-time job outside of writing, though I'd love to be a full-time writer in the future! I've gone through a lot of career aspirations and changes to get to this point. I actually used to be a sixth grade math and science teacher. Yes, I love math and think women should stop telling themselves they're no good at it—anyone can be good at math, you just have to put in the practice! Anyway, when I realized being in front of the classroom just wasn’t for me, I went back to school to get my Master's degree in higher education and became an academic advisor. I loved working with college students (and I still do!). But I always had a creator's spirit and I see my past jobs in education as stepping stones to learn more about people, to gather stories and inspiration, all in the name of leading me to writing.
Q4. I absolutely love your “Four Families” series! What gave you the idea to start this series? Thank you so much! This whole series started from a single image that popped into my head one day. I saw a woman standing on a grand staircase—an injured former ballerina—and a young blond-haired gentleman kneeling before her at the bottom of the steps. That single image sparked the entire series. That woman became Anya, the man became Ezra, and that staircase became Mikhailov Manor in the middle of the Russian wilderness. How I got from point A to point B? I couldn't really tell you. The concept just kept growing and growing in bits and pieces until it became an entire world inside my mind. The entire creation process is an enigma, even to me. I'm still bewildered by the way a single thought develops into a complete story, so it's just as exciting for me to read my final drafts as it is for my readers!
Q5. Will any other characters from the “Four Families” world be getting their own books? So glad you asked! As I wrote the third and final book in the trilogy, Pas de Trois, there were a couple of characters who had a story developing from nowhere—it was not my intention for them to become as integral to Anya and Ezra's fate as they became, but now that it's done, I can't imagine it having turned out any other way. Murphy O'Shea and his sassy bride, Stella, will be getting their own standalone novel coming this August 2021! King of Masters is my current work-in-progress and I'm so excited about it! This is meant to be a sort of companion novel to the Four Families Trilogy—it will run mostly parallel to the trilogy, but will focus on Murphy and Stella and how they came to be. You'll definitely see cameos from your Four Families Trilogy favorites. It will be available on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Eden Books, and can be pre-ordered now: books2read.com/kofm
Q6. What was your latest release and can you please tell us a bit about it? My latest release is called Jagged Line Paradise and it came out on April 15th, 2021. This book definitely has some dark elements to it with some scenes that could be triggering to some readers, but it's mostly a steamy contemporary romance. Andrés and Avalon have been best friends since they were little, but one night, they decide they want to become more. Everything seems perfect, but then an unfathomable tragedy strikes and everything changes. Andrés flees their small town in the aftermath, leaving Avalon behind, but their heat for each other still remains when he comes back ten years later. It's a friends-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers, second chance romance and I'm so in love with how this story turned out! It's available now on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Eden Books: books2read.com/JLP
Q7. Do you ever put yourself or the people you know into your books? Not intentionally, but when I read the final drafts of my books, I realize that every character I've written reflects traits of my own personality in some way. It's never intentional, but it's so obvious to me in my final read throughs that I wonder how I didn't notice it all along! Each of my main characters grow into these exaggerated versions of my own flaws and fears, and as their journeys change them, they change me, too. Honestly, fiction writing is the best form of self-discovery and reflection that I know!
Q8. Is there any particular time at which you write , or do you write whenever the inspiration strikes? I have a daily word count goal of 2,000 words and I do my best to stick to it Monday through Friday. There's not a certain time of day I write, just when I can find the time. I have a full-time day job and two kiddos that keep me busy, so I try to write just a little every day when I can find the time to do it, even if I'm "not in the mood" for writing. This quote from Louis L'Amour has become a mantra for me on days when I'm feeling tired and uninspired… “Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” -Louis L'Amour-
Q9. What do you have in works right now and what book can we expect from you next?
Right now I'm working on King of Masters, Murphy and Stella's spin-off/companion novel to the Four Families Trilogy, coming in August 2021. Next after that is Sugar Wood, which will be a steamy dark romance retelling of Hansel & Gretel—it will be a complete standalone coming out in November 2021, one of 13 retellings being published by an awesome group of dark romance writers!
And then I'll be sinking myself into my next dark romance series for 2022 and I can't wait to share more with everyone soon!
Q10. Before we wrap up , let’s do a quick question round :
o Worst gift you have ever received?
I don't think I've ever received a bad gift (lucky me!).
o What was the first nickname you had?
Foxy, which was self-appointed circa middle school when I thought I was cool or something…it didn't stick, lol.
o Vegetarian or Not?
Not. I eat meat, though I'm not huge fan of grilled chicken!
o Your most cherished possession?
Lip balm. No, seriously. I need lip balm on me at all times or I lose my mind.
About the Author
Brynn Ford writes dark and dirty romance for daring readers. She is a lover of the dark, twisted, and playful, and strives to bring the unmentionable aspects of passionate romance into her stories. Brynn lives in the Midwestern United States with her husband and sons, whom she expects will someday be embarrassed by their mom’s books. When she isn’t obsessively writing, you may find her binge-watching favorite shows while eating far too much junk food or fanatically reading, always seeking to lose herself in the emotional roller coaster of a damn good story. She is quite the idealist despite her fascination with the wicked and warped aspects of humanity. She’s a firm believer that her characters continue to live on outside the pages in the minds of her readers. Stories don’t just end because there aren’t any more pages to turn. Website: www.brynnford.com Newsletter: bit.ly/brynnsubscribe Facebook Page: bit.ly/FBbrynnford Facebook Group: bit.ly/brynnsdarlings Instagram: bit.ly/instabrynnford Amazon: bit.ly/AZbrynnford BookBub: bit.ly/BBbrynnford