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Cover Reveal - Ruthless Consequences


RUTHLESS CONSEQUENCES by Bella Di Corte is coming September 15!

Free in KU

Brio: vigor or vivacity of style or performance.

No other word could better describe Brio "Lilo" Valentino. He came into my life uninvited when something in my voice spoke to him.

A fragility that couldn’t mask the pain.

From the beginning, he warned me that we were different. He was darkness. I was light. His Lucila.

Despite our differences, we fit together perfectly, like a lock and key. I had no choice but to let him in. Once inside, he picked me up off the floor and gave me hope for a brighter future.

The thing about darkness and light, though? They always create shadows. And the bloody secrets between us followed us around, keeping us separated, until we were forced to face them.

Choices have consequences—and I wasn’t sure whether ours were ruthless enough to keep us apart forever.

*Previously released in the Not Over You anthology. Now with an exclusive epilogue!

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