RELEASE BLITZ Title: Beauty Series: Beast & Beauty Duet #2 Author: Clarissa Wild Genre: Dark Mafia Romance Release Date: September 8, 2022
I thought I could escape the Beast … but he already devoured my heart. When the Beast took me and dragged me back to his cell, I thought my life was over. In the darkness, he watched me. Yearned for me. Tasted me. He loved my scars, called me a beauty … Made me irrevocably his. Until his owner finally let him out … And his final task was to destroy my father. The only thing that stood between them was me. Faced with an impossible choice, I run. But even the beauty can’t escape the claws of the Beast.
GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61127641-beauty PURCHASE LINKS US: https://amzn.to/3KrvRWb UK: https://amzn.to/3clfzS8 CA: https://amzn.to/3QQP0mU AU: https://amzn.to/3AJ8i87 Free in Kindle Unlimited EXCERPTS WARNING: These contain spoilers for book 1, Beast #1 “I want you,” I mutter, delirious from how good she’s licking me. “So badly.” The chains that hold me strain against my skin as I push my broken body to its limit. She leans back, taking my cock out of her mouth while gazing up into my eyes. “Then take me. Make me yours.” She pouts her lips. “Please.” Good God. Her voice. Those words. Make me yours. Please. A flurry of rage overcomes me, and I roar out loud as I pull as hard as I can with my left arm, pushing through the pain as it almost breaks my arm. CLINK! The screws break loose from the wall on one side, releasing my arm. And even though the metal is still attached to my wrist, my focus is solely on her. And I bring my hand to her head, gently caress her cheek for a second, before I grab a fistful of her black hair and shove her mouth over my entire length and into my balls. A massive moan rolls off my tongue as I bury myself inside her and come hard and fast, squirting my cum all over her throat. She’s gasping for air, but I don’t relent, pulling out only to shove her right back on again, filling her to the brim. When I’m finally satiated, my cum dribbles out of her mouth as she coughs and heaves. But instead of letting it drop onto the floor, she catches it with her hands, brings it to her mouth, and licks it up. All of it. And fuck me, there is nothing that could make me want to break free from these chains faster than this woman when she’s in heat. “You undo me,” I murmur, my heart and lungs still in overdrive. “If this is how I could die, I would lay down my life in a second.” She giggles and presses soft kisses all around my cock, as though she’s dying for another taste, and it makes me grow hard all over. I wonder if she knows what she does to me. If it’s the reason she chose to do this. I grab her face and tilt her chin to force her to look at me. “You wanted me to free myself.” When a blush creeps onto her cheeks, it’s all I need to confirm my suspicions. “I don’t want to use you,” she says. “But I want you to use me.” My cock hardens again just from those simple words. Use her. Just like I wanted to back when she first came into my lair. But this time … It’s not just to release the pent-up desire. It’s to break free of these chains, these walls that surround us. “You’ve done it before,” she mutters. “When I called your name, told you to fight … you did. You made it happen.” Her eyes tear up. “I don’t want you to suffer, to be in pain. I want you to be as free as I was. Even if only for a little while.” My fist balls. “But it cost you everything.” Tears run down her cheeks, but I wipe them away with my thumb. “I don’t care what it costs me anymore,” she says, and she steps away. “If I don’t have the strength to free you …” she mutters as she tugs at the button of her black suit trousers and slowly pulls it down along with her panties until the naked, flushed skin of her pussy is exposed. And my tongue darts out to wet my lips in response, eager, no, dying, for a taste. But when I reach, the other metal clasps around my hand and legs hold me back. “Then I will make you have the strength to free yourself,” she adds. #2 Anxiety floods my body. I take a step back, bumping into the window. “They found us!” my father whisper-yells at me. He quietly crosses the floor and picks up a lamp from the desk, holding it up like some sort of weapon. And when the lock is finally pushed off, the door swings open, and a man storms inside, eyes like the devil. I shriek as my father chucks the lamp at him and misses. The man charges at my father with a knife, but my father catches his wrist and holds him back. But his wounds are grave, and his body still too frail to handle the attack. He’s losing ground. In a panic, I search for anything I can use, but all I find is a flower vase. Without thinking, I pick it up and approach the man from the back. They’re fighting for power near the bed, and all the pieces of furniture are shoved aside. My father tumbles over the bed, a knife almost in his face. I slam the vase into the back of the man’s head as hard as I can. It shatters into a million tiny pieces, and the man falls right on top of my father. The knife tumbles to the floor. But the man swiftly turns around to face me, the fury on his face terrifying. He throws a punch, and I duck for cover, picking up a shard on the way. Right as he comes down, I jump back and hold the shard in front of me like a knife. “Stay back!” I yell. “Oh, you gonna play the big girl now?” he mutters. His voice makes me tremble on my feet. I recognize it. He’s one of Lex’s guards. “Come at me then,” he growls, throwing punch after punch. I tiptoe sideways, trying to avoid his fist, but I’m not trained, and when I slip up, he punches me right in the gut. Oof. My lungs feel like they got run over by a truck, and I buck and heave. “You thought you could run from us?” The guard laughs. “Bad idea.” Suddenly, my father rises from the bed and smacks him on the head with a thick book lying by the table. The man is slapped sideways headfirst into the wooden wardrobe next to the bed, allowing me to step away. My father gets off the bed and punches the guy, but the guard grabs his fist in midair and pushes him back. They struggle for power, and my father is definitely on the losing end. My hand that holds the shard begins to quake. I don’t have much time. Make a choice. Just do it. Do it now. I don’t think as I ram the shard into the man’s back. He roars out in pain, scratching his own skin, trying to get it out. “You fucking bitch!” He turns around and punches me. Dizzy, I fall to the floor, unable to keep my balance, and a sharp pain makes me groan. One of the shards has lodged itself into my abdomen. When I touch it and look at my hands, there’s blood. Oh God. My father throws himself at the guard, hanging around his neck and biting his ear. The man growls in pain and chucks my father forward over his head, slamming him into the floor so hard I can hear the air leave his body. My father doesn’t move anymore. Then the guard focuses his attention on me. My pupils dilate, and I immediately begin to crawl away from him. Too late. #3 “I’m here now,” he murmurs against my lips. “I’ve found you, and you belong with me.” He keeps kissing me even though he’s still holding that flower, and I am terrified of ruining it, of destroying the only thing that’s kept him going for all these years. But I don’t want him to stop kissing me either. His kisses are like oxygen. I need them to survive. But he still pulls away, even when I struggle desperately to hold his mouth with mine. Suddenly, he swoops me up into his arms, and I shriek from the surprise. “What are you doing?” “Giving you what you deserve …” he replies, and it makes me feel tingly in all the right places. When was it that I began to feel so much for a beast like him? Was it before or after he first touched me? Kissed me? Made sure I knew I was his? Days and nights blurred into one in that dark, damp cell, and my body adjusted, but my mind … my mind is still playing catch-up. He carries me into the bedroom and heads straight for the bath, where he puts me down and starts tearing off my clothes. Shirt first, then my pants, as well as my socks and shoes. Not that they were mine, to begin with, but still … it makes me self-conscious because I’m naked once again. I protect myself with my arms, despite knowing my hands are visible to him. But he doesn’t seem to be paying even the slightest attention to them as he throws my clothes in a corner and turns on the faucet. The warm running water feels like bliss compared to the lukewarm shower we had back in the cell. But it feels wrong to be the only one to enjoy these simple things. “You deserve a shower too,” I mutter, not knowing what else to say. He plants a single finger on my lips and opens the faucet even further until the water starts gushing out. “My woman always comes first.” His woman? Why does that make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside? I huddle into the warm blanket of the water, trying to hide my blush beneath the bubbles he poured in. It all smells so lovely, and it’s a nice way to rinse off the nastiness from being in that mansion. There was only ever one highlight, and it was always when he came to my rescue. When he spread his arms and shielded me from their evil. And I’m so grateful for everything he’s done for me, for us … fighting his way through the pain to get us to safety … that I feel like he deserves this more than I do. #4 I suck in a breath when his other free hand slides up my body and grips my breast. He circles my nipple, and when he tugs at it through the shirt, I let out another moan. “Make yourself come in front of me,” he says, almost pushing me over the edge. “Look at yourself in the mirror while you fall apart.” And I can’t stop staring into the mirror, no matter how dirty it feels. Dirty has never felt this good before. His hand slowly releases mine, allowing me to explore on my own. While I try to focus on my own pleasure, a hand snakes up my belly, and I feel every hard ridge of his calloused hands as it wraps around my throat, squeezing a little. “More. Noise.” But I feel so locked up, so overwhelmed. Until I feel his other hand, the one he used to help me, snake its way down my ass. And suddenly, he pushes inside my other hole. I gasp, my eyes widening in shock that he’d actually go there. “I want you,” he groans. “All of you.” “But that’s immoral,” I mutter as he pushes inside farther and farther. It’s so tight and hot at the same time. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. “I don’t care,” he says, slowly thrusting his finger in and out of my ass. “I need every inch of your body. Every hole belongs to me.” I never imagined it would feel this good, this pleasurable. I can barely keep my eyes straight as I try to focus on my clit while he slowly amps up the speed. I moan, and he releases the pressure on my neck, but the pressure between my legs and in my ass only grows tighter and tighter. “Oh God …” I mutter, my face turning red from the way I’m looking at my own fingers thrumming my clit. “Come for me.” That’s it. That’s what I needed. His voice. His touch. His craving. Him. All I’ll ever need is him. My body convulses against both our hands, and I struggle to even stand as the orgasm takes over my body. I feel my ass tightening around his finger, just as my clit thumps. All my muscles play along as I ride the waves to ecstasy. Even my eyes roll into the back of my head. That’s how good it feels. “My turn,” he growls into my ear, and he shoves aside my fingers only to dive right into me while his other finger is still inside my ass. I gasp when he enters my pussy, thrusting up and down with ease. I’m so wet and so eager that I’m practically leaning into him. Two fingers inside me at once feels so good I almost explode again. “Fuck, I want to bury myself inside you,” he groans as he plows into my pussy and ass with just his fingers. And for some reason, I can’t stop wondering what it would feel like to have his cock up there, too. “Yes,” I moan, completely delirious with need. His eyes, which never left mine, suddenly turn animalistic with a hunger I’ve only ever seen while we were in that cell. When he first laid eyes on me and decided to eat me up. “Say you’re mine.” I don’t have to even think twice. “I’m yours.” ALSO AVAILABLE #1 Beast US: https://amzn.to/3ckJ32x UK: https://amzn.to/3Aq57AC CA: https://amzn.to/3pJluU5 AU: https://amzn.to/3cieURo Free in Kindle Unlimited AUTHOR BIO Clarissa Wild is a New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author of Dark Romance and Contemporary Romance novels. She is an avid reader and writer of swoony stories about dangerous men and feisty women. Her other loves include her hilarious husband, her two crazy but cute dogs, and her ninja cat that sometimes thinks he's a dog too. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, playing video games, reading tons of books, and cooking her favorite meals. Want to get an email when my next book is released? 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