USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance, Natasha Knight specializes in dark, tortured heroes. Happily-Ever-Afters are guaranteed, but she likes to put her characters through hell to get them there. She’s evil like that.
Her Latest book 'Unholy Union' was released on 25th August 2020!

Interview Q/A
1. Hi Natasha !! Let us start by giving us a glimpse about your real life , including one fun fact about you , please.
A) Hi Ria! Thanks so much for having me. I’m thrilled to be here! A glimpse into my life…I’m kind of boring! I am an American living in The Netherlands with my husband and two daughters. I live in a tiny village with 2 traffic lights (one of which you have to push the button to get it to work) and spend most days writing and walking in the woods here as I think out my stories.
I don’t know if this is a fun fact, but I speak Armenian. Pretty much only with my mom now because no one else I know speaks. Okay, or with my sisters or one of my daughters when we want to say something rude that we shouldn’t say… ;)
2. What made you choose to write ‘Dark Romance’ as your Most popular Genre?
A) I love dark romance! It’s what I’m drawn to as a reader and a writer.
3. Do people in your real life know you’re an author ? If yes , do they read your books?
A) Yes, most do know that I am an author. Some read my books and some just don’t mention it…the sexy bits make them uncomfortable ;) That said, my mom and daughter are my biggest fans.
My mom even gave my daughter some advice about sexy bits in books. You should have seen the cringing expression as her grandmother said to her ‘I don’t read the sexy parts once. I read them twice!’
4. Have you always wanted to be an author ? how did it feel when you published your first book?
A) Yes, this is definitely a dream job of mine. I have always been a reader and writing was a dream that I never truly expected to become a career so I’m thrilled. My first publication was actually a short story in an anthology about angels. I won a contest and I still am smiling telling you about it now! I remember feeling just elated.
5. I know this won’t be fair to ask , but is there any specific character that you have written which is your absolute favourite?
A) That’s totally unfair! I love all of my characters and some, of course, stand out to me but it also changes as I write the next book. My usual favorite is the one I’m currently working on.
6. Your upcoming duet ‘Unholy Union Duet’ is one my most anticipated books! Was there anything specific that gave you the idea for this Duet?
A) Aww! Thank you! And to answer your question, yes! As I was trying not to get lost in the rabbit hole that is Pinterest, I came across a chateau, Chateau De Gudanes, which was an abandoned chateau that a family took over and was renovating a couple of years back. I fell in love at first creepy sight and did a lot of stalking, I admit. Unholy Union has a sort of creepy undertone and the Chateau is the inspiration!
7. Most of your books are of the Dark-Romance category , have you ever thought of doing another genre?
A) Yes, actually. I love PNR and actually have some older books I’ve written (unpublished as of yet) that I’d love to someday go back to. For now, though, I’m having too much fun with my anti-heroes.
8. You’ve been in the Industry for a few years. At what point did you feel that you’ve made it?
A) I don’t know that I feel that way, actually. I feel like I’m constantly learning something new, am always nervous about every release and in a way, I guess I still feel like I’m proving myself with each book.
There are two things that I love most about this job. First, it’s the writing. I could leave all the marketing aside and just write! Second, when someone reaches out after reading a book and tells me how it touched them or how much they loved it, that’s what puts a smile on my face. I don’t think these things will change and I don’t want them to, so I am not sure I’ll ever feel as though I’ve made it because I don’t want to ever stop.
9. Which of your books was the hardest to write?
A) Sergio: a Dark Mafia Romance. It had to be done and I’m really glad I did it, but if you’ve read it, you understand why. Sergio will always hold a very special place in my heart and I kinda owe him one.
10. If you could recommend your favourite dark romance book , which one would it be?
A) I love CJ Roberts Captive in the Dark. It was one of my earlier dark reads and I think I’ve read it a hundred times. And I totally cried when I met her. It was really embarrassing but she was super nice! And probably a little afraid of the babbling, sobbing fan…
11. Which one do you decide first when you start writing a new book , the characters or the storyline?
A) Both kind of at the same time. I have one idea – the thing that brings the hero and the heroine together, and I always see/hear the hero first. Once I have this, I can start.
12. What do you have in line next?
A) Well, Unholy Intent is coming on 9/15 and I can’t wait for readers to get their hands on it! I love Damian and Cristina’s story so much! After that, I have another mafia romance in mind. More to come on that
I recently wrote a short story, The Swan Princess, for the Dark Fairy Tales Anthology and I realized how much I loved revisiting Salvatore and Lucia for this so I may squeeze in a few other shorts in 2021 and revisit some old characters.
13. Before wrapping up , let's do a quick random question round:
· Top item on your Bucket List -- See the Northern Lights!
· Ever googled yourself? -- No. Never. Of course not…I mean, who would do such a thing? J
· Scariest thing you've ever done. -- Taking swimming lessons. Which actually didn’t take because I still sink like a rock. And if you’re near me, I’ll probably drown you trying to stay afloat in my panic. As my kids or sisters.
· Favourites Genres You love to read. -- Thrillers, creepy books (not horror though), PNR and, of course, romance!
· One talent you would love to have? -- I’d love to be able to learn languages quickly – not so much writing but speaking.
· Worst dish you ever ate? -- There’s this Dutch dish that my husband likes to make so once a year, I am subjected to a potato, carrot onion mash sort of thing that I shudder about even now as I write this…
· Celebrity Crush -- I’m old school. I LOVE Johnny Depp. No one comes close.
About the Author
USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance, Natasha Knight specializes in dark, tortured heroes. Happily-Ever-Afters are almost always guaranteed, but she likes to put her characters through hell to get them there. She’s evil like that.