Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances.
Her Next Book 'Scandalous Prince' releases on 22nd September 2020.

Interview Q/A
1. Hi Rachel!! Please tell us something about yourself.
A) I love love love reading, I read close to a book a day!
2. Do people in your real life know you’re an author? If yes, do they read your books?
A) Yes, not all of them read my books though, they typically let me know if they do and I'm always surprised when people close to me read them.
3. You have written so many characters! Is there any specific character who is really close to your heart?
A) Wes Michels is one of my favorite characters ever. I wrote Ruin when I was in a really bad place with my uncle dealing with cancer, and that character really pulled me through and inspired me.
4. What is your most treasured memory as a writer? and why?
A) Oh man, probably my first book signing and then seeing my book in stores for the first time! :)
5. Do you ever put yourself or other people you meet in your characters?
A) I put a lot of myself into my characters or maybe its that they put a lot of themselves into me haha. I think its impossible for an author not to put parts of themselves in a book if that makes sense. And I do use inspiration from real life.
6. Do you read the reviews you receive? How do you deal with the negative ones?
A) I read almost every review and when it comes to the negative ones I try super hard to let it mold me into a better writer.
7. You have written so many Genres like contemporary romance, fantasy and Mafia too! Which genre did you enjoy writing the most?
A) Haha I think it's probably not a secret that I enjoy mafia romance the best, it owns me.
8. I absolutely love your Eagle elite series and the best fact that I found was that you gave almost all the characters their own story! Was there anything special that gave you the idea about this series?
A) My husband actually did! I was giving him a hard time about not reading my books and we saw a news story about this mafia guy that used to live as a farmer close to us that the FBI arrested, had all this cash in his attic and weapons and had killed all these people, he's like that right there is your story, so I wrote it!
9. Also, The Eagle Elite series includes a lot of main novels as well as many spinoffs. Is there a particular reading pattern for those books? If yes, then where can I find that?
A) The reading order is found on my website www.rachelvandykenauthor.com ;) And there is def A LOT of books to choose from but you can read out of order.
10. Do you have a strict writing schedule, or do you write whenever the inspiration strikes?
A) Ever since my son was born I've had to make more of a schedule but it just depends on the book or what's going on in my life, right now I'm back to a strict schedule because of the books I have to turn in.
11. One of your books ‘The Matchmaker’s Playbook’ has already been adapted into a movie and is one of my Absolute favourite movies! If you were given a chance to choose one book of yours that is going to be adapted into another film, which one would you choose?
A) THE ELITE SERIES haha you like the all caps? I would freak out!
12. Is there going to be a movie for the second book of the ‘Wingmen Inc.‘ too?
A) I honestly don't know but we do have some surprises coming in the future!
13. I know you have written most of the genres that are present, but is there any genre that you have not yet tried to write, but would like to someday? Like MM or FF perhaps?
A) I have a friend who really wants me to write her and her wives story, maybe one day!
14. Which of your books was the hardest to write?
A) Probably Elude or Ruin.
15. What do you have in line next?
A) I have a YA I'm writing, another mafia, paranormal, and one more mafia haha I have a very busy schedule!
16. Before wrapping up , let's do a quick random question round:
· Least favourite Dish - Anything with raw tomatoes :( But weirdly I love tomato soup
· Celebrity Crush - Tyler Johnson (my husband told me to say this b/c he has a crush on him!)
· Scariest moment ever - The spider in my garage, that nearly got me.
· one thing on your bucket list - I want to go to Hong Kong
· Favourite song of all time! - Jesus Loves Me (because I sing it to my son every night)
· Least Favourite Book Genre - I dont think I have one lol
· Facebook or Instagram - Instagram
· Worst gift ever received - Toilet Paper
About the Author
Rachel Van Dyken is the number one New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor. She keeps her home in Idaho with her husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers! Connect with Rachel: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RachelVanDyken Website: http://rachelvandykenauthor.com Newsletter: http://bit.ly/RVDNewsletter Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachvd Twitter: https://twitter.com/RachVD Amazon: http://amzn.to/2cNVwL9 Goodreads: http://bit.ly/RVDGR Rachel's Rockin' Readers: http://bit.ly/RachelsRockinReaders