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New Release - Filthy Disciple


We are excited to celebrate FILTHY DISCIPLE by Serena Akeroyd & Cassandra Robbins is LIVE!

She was an assignment. A selfish brat who'd run away from home and who’d found refuge in an MC. A spoiled pain in my ass that I had to bring back to Daddy. Only, Isabelle is nothing like the picture my initial research painted. Yes, she's a brat. Yes, she's insecure. And yes, she's a Disciple…sort of. But she's so much more than that. So broken, yet so hopeful. So lost, yet so eager to be found. I found her. But that means her father has too. Taking her home was supposed to repay a favor owed. I just didn't realize that home was the most dangerous place in the world for her...

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