Title - A kingdom of Venom and Vows
Author - Holly Renee
Name of Series - Stars and Shadows #3
Series Type - Series
Genre - Dark Fantasy Romance
Release Date - 23rd March 2020
Overall Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Heat Rating - 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I entered into a bargain—choosing my mate over my freedom.
But I underestimated the crowned prince who took me. His touch like venom. His vengeance lethal.
He craves a power I no longer hold, and he’ll sacrifice every part of me until he gets it.
But I don’t belong to him. I belong to his brother.
His brother who will come for me, consequences be damned.
My fate is entangled between two princes—one who craves my power, the other who covets me—and I have more to lose than I ever imagined.
War rages in a game between queens, and I have become their pawn. But I will fight for my life, for my mate, and he will raze kingdoms to get me back.
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My Review 💋
Star Rating : 4 / 5 Stars
POV : Dual
Cliffhanger : None
Hero : Adara
Heroine : Evren
Pace of the story : Moderate
Angst Rating : 5/10
Heat Rating : 5/10
Overall Opinion :
I have read other genres by Holly and Have always been a fan! So I knew I could trust her with fantasy romances because her heroes are pretty amazing and who would not want to see them in a fantasy romance?! Now me!
I picked this one up and binged all the books of this series together and was totally hooked. This one is not a dark romance fantasy but more of a contemporary romance with angsty and steamy scenes.
Adara and Evren have had their happy ending coming from a mile long lmao and I have been waiting and was so happy to see them get everything they deserve! The characters are good and it is evident from some of the scenes of this book that we might get a few other stories from this world. Let's hope so!
Definitely recommending this one to all the contemporary romance loving people out there!