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REVIEW - The Boy On The Bridge

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

Title - The Boy On The Bridge
Author - Sam Mariano
Name of Series - Standalone
Series Type -Standalone
Genre - Dark High School Romance
Release Date - 4th March 2021
Overall Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Heat Rating - 🔥🔥🔥🔥

The day I met Hunter Maxwell he wasn’t the rich kid who lived in the giant house, he wasn’t the most popular guy in school, he certainly wasn’t the bully who had chased his own best friend out of town after a falling out—he was just a boy with a black eye and a dark secret.

My life would have been much easier if I had stayed out of it, but I couldn’t. I saw someone hurting and wanted to help. I saw someone possibly in danger and wanted to make sure he was safe.

There’s nothing safe about Hunter Maxwell, though. I thought there might be. I fell under his spell. Whatever the world saw when they looked at him, it wasn’t what he showed me.

The bond we formed was real. I know it was real. But with Hunter, when the tides turn, you’d better hope you’re safely on the shore and out of his reach.

I thought I was a strong enough swimmer to keep my head above water. I thought if it came down to it, I could resist his pull.

I didn’t know, but now I do.

Once Hunter sets his sights on you, there’s no such thing as out of his reach. Whether it’s today, tomorrow, or five years from now, he’s coming for me—and when he does, he won’t stop until he’s destroyed me.

***The Boy on the Bridge contains mature, adult content and is only recommended for adult readers.

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My Review 💋

Star Rating : 4/5 Stars

POV : Dual

Cliffhanger : None

Hero : Hunter

Heroine : Riley

Pace of the story : Moderate

Angst Rating : 6/10

Heat Rating : 7/10

Triggers Involved : Dub Con , Bullying

Plot Summary :

Hunter was a broken boy. The one with the bad household. All Riley wanted to help him out because he sparkled something inside of her. A forbidden secret that was supposed to help him , lead to his demise and all the blame came on Riley’s shoulders. Now the boy she had loved was hell bent on destroying her and vowed to do that once he returned. There would be no one who would save him from him and she would finally pay for her mistakes.

Riley wanted best for the boy she loved instead she ended up destroying his life even more. And now he was back to make her pay. He was everywhere she went. With his taunts and comebacks and bullying. And there was no way she was making out of this game with her soul intact.

Overall Opinion :

I seriously feel Like I have been waiting for this book for ages! And now I finally have it, I remember how crazy these characters drove me when I read about them first in the anthology. That ending made me crazy and I really wanted to know what happened next.

This book was more of a contemporary romance but it did have a few DubCon scenes! Scenes that drove me absolutely crazy and made me love this book so much more. Hunter and Riley where everything I wanted and I loved them both so much. There were parts of the story where I wanted Riley to be a little less stubborn but I knew where she was coming from so I got it. The best part was how badly the author made me want certain side characters and their story! I want those books asap! Highly recommended to all the contemporary romance lovers who would love their books with a tinge of Kink and Dub Con!

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